Faithful Friends Preschool is a part time preschool program open for children ages 3-5. The children are involved in various activities that follow weekly and monthly themes including: art projects, group games, center time, monthly library visits, snacks, holiday projects, large motor and fine motor activities, and story time. We focus on kindergarten-readiness skills such as letter, number, shape and color recognition, cooperation, sharing, respect, manners, and friendship. Our program meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:45-11:00 a.m. with the option of adding a third day (Monday) each week. School starts the day after Labor Day and runs until the 3rd week of May. Please call the teacher & director of this program, Tara Blundy, for more information or to receive an enrollment package. 309-446-9432.
A HUGE THANK YOU to all that donated baked goods, donated children items, rented a table space, or in any way helped with and supported the FAITHFUL FRIENDS PRESCHOOL sale last month. It was a huge success and the preschool made over $900. This money will be used to help with advertising costs and to purchase new equipment and supplies for the pre- school. As always, thanks for your support!
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